Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Will The Presence Process help my angry son?

Q: I have been through The Presence Process once and it has made my life more peaceful and clear. My 16 year old son has Asperger and is very angry and unhappy. Our life is very stressful living together. Will my continued work help heal my son? He is unwilling to make any changes at this point.

A: As long as you find where this anger of his is felt within yourself, and be with it without condition. If his behavior triggers you emotionally in any way - it is because it is reflecting your unresolved emotional charge. How were you feeling at 16?

It is not up to your son to make changes - it is up to you to integrate what he is reflecting. It only takes one in the family to integrate the family imprint. However, we do not enter any of this work in hopes it assists another. Then we cannot be unconditional toward own discomfort.

You are to enter this work as a responsibility to your own process - and when you are authentic about this intent - then it energetically impacts him. If you do it for him - you are using this work to manipulate him. That would anger anyone. Where are you feeling frustrated at the moment? Are you brushing these feelings aside - or attending to them?

Let him have his own experience - you rather be responsible for yours. Where are you feeling angry right now? Are you feeling this anger within your body-vehicle without condition?

Careful not to polish the mirror in an attempt to rid what its reflection reveals. Honor your son's experience by realizing that if he is angry right now - it is valid and therefore required. By responding to him [feeling what he triggers within you without condition], rather than reacting [telling him, or behaving as if he should be feeling something other than what he is], you reveal to him how best to integrate such experiences.

Telling others what to do in relation to this work is fatal. It simply manifests resistance. Revealing through example is the way - it takes longer - but its impact is causal.