Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Do I beam light into my discomfort?

Q: I'm in need of some advice. I'm attempting to heal a physical pain. I've reread the procedure in session # four. I understand the act of sitting in silence and connecting our breathing and placing our loving attention on the pain and discomforting area. But my question is should I be doing something in conjunction with this, like sending healing light to this area? My understanding that during meditation the idea is to empty ones mind of thought, but should I be visualizing healing light descending on the pain area too? Please help me with my concern.

A: First of all, we cannot resolve physical pain by focusing on the physical aspect of the pain. Being with the physical pain without condition is a step in the right direction - however - all physical pain has causality. Its causality is unintegrated charged emotion. Our task is to become aware - not through naming - but through felt-resonance - of the charged emotion underlying the physical pain - and to be with this by feeling it without condition. This charged emotion is the felt-aspect of ourselves as a child still experiencing something which we are unable to integrate. Being with this emotional signature without condition integrates it organically at a pace which is required. The first task is therefore to access the emotional signature - the second task is to be with it without condition. The first task may take some "undoing procedure" - like breathing and wielding our thought processes in a particular manner - until we gain awareness of this causal felt-signature. The second task requires only being. Being without condition is not "doing" - it is not even "undoing" - it is being. While our fixation remains upon the physical aspect of our pain as if it is the causal point of it - we are inclined to want to "do stuff" like beaming light at it from our third eye - or stuff like that...

Because of our excursion through the mental plane of metaphysics [a necessary part of our evolution] we believe that unless we do things like sending rays of healing light from our third eye toward that which we seek to heal, nothing happens. Metaphysics is all about "doing something". This is why I refer to it as mental-physics.

The Presence Process invites us to "placing our loving attention upon the pain". What is loving attention? What is love? In metaphysics love is "something we do", and we have 101 ways of showing ourselves and others how loving we are through all the intricate ways we actively demonstrate love. Yet, the word "love" reveals itself in a word of similar spelling: evolve. To love is to allow evolution. When we love ourselves, we treat ourselves in such a manner that we are freely able to evolve. This means acknowledging that our experience - all of it - is valid - that it is our teaching - and we respond to it in this light. When we love another we allow them to have their own experience so they may fully evolve. We acknowledge their experience as being valid. You know I love you when I validate you by not interfering [entering fear] with you - when I behave in this light.

In The Presence Process we are asked "to love the hurt child within". We accomplish this by moving our awareness consciously along The Pathway of Awareness from the physical, through the mental, and into the hurt child aspect of our experience - the unintegrated emotional charge. We then "place our loving attention upon it". This means, once gaining awareness of this hurting aspect of ourselves - we allow it to be. We validate its experience. We approach it in the light that its experience, whether fear, anger, or grief, is 100% valid. Through allowing it to be - instead of unconsciously sedating and controlling it - it regains the capacity for momentum and reenters the unified flow of the cyclic nature of life as it is in the human realm. It becomes integrated.

Another way of saying "loving attention" is "being without condition". "Being without condition" and "loving unconditionally" are the same. When we are with any aspect of our experience without condition - we emanate a radiance whose vibrational capacity knows No Order Of Difficulty. "No Order Of Difficulty" in the context of The Presence Process means: "Whatever is required to accomplish resolution is made possible". The emphasis here is on the word "require", not "want".

Being without condition is a vibrational radiance which has the capacity to restore any aspect of our experience to authenticity. It provides exactly what is required. Being without condition is love and love is light. There is no light whose purity is more radiant than being without condition. This light is not the mentally generated metaphysical psi-fi light of "doing" we pretend to beam with our imagination from our third eye or heart center. This is the light of unconditional presence awareness which requires no pretence or imagining. What is requires no effort in manifesting. So, when we "place our loving attention" upon our child self - upon the causal felt-aspect of any unintegrated aspect of our experience - we are already bathing it in the purest radiance of light possible.

When we are able to integrate the programmed personality of "God" by integrating our religious imprinting - we real eyes that "being without condition" emanates a vibrational radiance whose Presence and capacity are an emanation of everything God is: Unconditional loving attention. It is not necessary to add to this with imagining. It already is.