Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I am unable to restart the process.

Q: I completed The Presence Process about 9 months ago and have wanted to go through it gain but each attempt ends in the second week. I don't know if this is the same as being 'stuck' but I feel this immense weight of boredom. As if to accentuate this I have several physical problems which mean I cannot even talk the long walks I once so enjoyed.This feeling reminds me of my teens(I am in mid life), and I feel very guilty that when there is so much suffering I am wallowing in this. Also people can be very irritating to me, I feel bombarded by their lack of containment, maybe because I am starting to see my own? Thank you for the process and all your writings, although it sure feels like boot camp sometimes!

A: Just as I cannot be with these feelings unconditionally on your behalf, I too cannot breathe or turn the pages of the book for you. This is what "growing up" is about.