Thursday, June 11, 2009

What happens when I am suddenly faced with a shift reflecting my imprinting?

Q: The inevitable has happened - the man I was going on a 3 week camper van trip with has told me he will not go now. He told me that I think too much, am too stressed out, am not centered, that I should leave this flat and suffer so as to connect with what is real (to get perspective). It is all true and painful. TPP is the only helper. I am responsible for my peace of mind. My child feels it all through her body but I am here with her now and I am taking care of her so she has a voice, is heard and is safe. I still can't answer the questions on physical/mental clarity. I can't meditate and calm my mind at all lately, the 5 minutes is the max and thoughts keep arising.

A: Now be with this unconditionally. Now the work offers the possibility of authenticity.